Month: September 2019

Supplement series part 1: Caveat Emptor

Supplement series part 1: Caveat Emptor

Supplements are all the rage these days.  The Internet is absolutely brimming with bloggers and “doctors” peddling their favorite supplements via subscription services and direct mail.  As a blogger (and legitimate doctor) I get a lot of people asking me what supplements I take and 

10 Primal Foods We Eat Every Week

10 Primal Foods We Eat Every Week

We often get asked what our daily meals look like. As a health coach, my clients like basic meals that can be made without a complicated recipe or ingredients that you have to ask Siri to pronounce. We love to experiment with different recipes and 

The Ends Don’t Justify the Means

The Ends Don’t Justify the Means

The rise of the Keto diet has been dizzying.  A quick google trends search shows that the word was hardly used before 2016.  By 2018 it was one of the top search terms on the internet.  Not surprisingly, there’s a whole array of keto friendly